Reclaiming Tranquility (through Music)

Music has a healthy habit of evoking emotions in us, no one is immune to it. Since I'm in a relaxed mood, I'm gonna try to contain myself to positive music.

While I editing my chapbook, I was scrambling though my iPod for a peaceful vibe. Embracing the solitude of the little corner in the library, I almost forgot I had this song on my list...I say almost because ironically I let it play as I fell asleep last night, Johann Pachenbel's Canon in D major:

Granted, it's a little long but relaxing nonetheless. This is my second favorite calming song in life. My number 1 "GIRL, SHUT UP AND BREATHE!" song is Sweet Lullaby (Ambient Mix) by Deep Forest:

The pictures of the seas and water really make this moving. I could use a massage right about now...

Moving forward, I had a moment to think about why I was so caught up in the frustrations of this journey oflife. As my gramma told me not too long ago, that is life right now. Up. Down. In. Out. Happy. Sad. Crazy. Mad. Times are getting tougher, people are getting crazier and sometimes I feel there is no escape. Even when I have my sociological rants and venting posts, I have to [re]socialize myself into just calming down. I'm alive and I have the basic necessities. We all may be struggling, but we're making it.

Back to the music, this one song right here, No Stopping Us by Jason Mraz, got me through craziest summer of my teenage years. Everytime I hear this song, I'm reminded of that 103 degree weather in South Carolina, letting the heat get me drowsy and all the ice cream I could have that year. Fond memories...

Plus I like the hint of jazz in this tune.


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