You Gotta Be...

I haven't seen this video or heard this song in forever. I was barely ten years old when I first heard this song and understood its message. This soulful throwback is a declaration to the underdogs, over-achievers, and everyone else in between trying to make a difference within themselves or in their communities. Everyone has been told in their lives at least once, "you can't do this," or "you're not that," even your own oppressor. That hasn't stopped him/her from pointing out your flaws, so why should it stop you from doing handling yourself correctly?

Des'ree said it best when she sings "you gotta be bad, bold, wiser, hard, tough, stronger..." You can cry, be angry, and meek and it's okay. These qualities are not weak. Though outsiders will suffocate you quickly with such behavior, you can overcome it by being yourself and conquering evil with kindness. And kindness is not a weakness.


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