For the Lost Children

I was planning on testing my limit on nomophobia today, but the attacks in Newton, CT and Chengping, Beijing won't let my soul operate in peace.

The Associated Press reports that a man opened fire inside of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, CT. For some senseless reason, 20 children won't be hugging mommy and daddy tonight. President Obama shared his tears with families and communities impacted by this event. I sincerely can't comprehend this through the eyes of a child:

"Third-grade kid deciding what video game to play and sudden, excessive gun shots shake up horror in the building. You're scared, screaming, running for the closet hiding and all you know is that you want you mom and dad." I'm trembling and wanting to go home to my mother and brothers as I post this.

These kids were between 5 and 10 years old. Why would someone that young receive such a punishment?

Another incident in China involved 22 elementary children and 1 adult. Though no fatalities took place, nine students were admitted into a hospital. These kids were between 6 and 11 years old. The CT killer is dead after shooting himself and the Daily News reported the knife-wielding suspect is in custody.

I will let my inner human be angry and sad. I will pray, scream, cry, and punch my desk for these lost children, grief-stricken parents, and fallen adults. As time progresses on, it is also shortened, as environments get increasingly chaotic.

Like most people reacting on the web, the most common reaction involves responses on gun control or the shoulda-coulda-woulda's with justice. Inevitable terrorism on humankind is beyond pervasive. Even through this writing, words cannot justify the extremity of such an ignorant massacre...towards our children nonetheless.

I remember watching Charlie Murphy on TV, outlining some of the most wretched events in human history and he kept emphasizing, "We've got to do better." In this world, it's easy to say ,"I don't see an improvement."

Just bloggin...


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