A Little too Late, pt.2

I swear I wasn't planning this part two to the previous blog post, but the writer of this article took the words out my my mouth and uped the ante to the next level. I give her major kudos!!!

Here is an excerpt, a little teaser if you will, of HiStory by Kim Rose of Honey Magazine:

We are so easily entertained.

Somewhere, in a dark corner, there’s a young man wringing his hands, steeped with guilt and angst. There are tiers behind his tears, grief stacked in layers. Michael Jackson has been dead to him for years now. And though he is cash rich, he is flat broke in the conscience.

Or maybe he’s out tearing the mall up, not a care in the world, cruising comfortably above the fray of the commoners’ recession.

Either way, we’d love to know what’s up with Jordan Chandler right about now.

You may not know him by name, but you have seen his work. He was the star of 1993 when at 13 he accused MJ of putting a hand in his little glitter glove.

For the rest of this article, check out http://www.honeymag.com/message/story/view.castle?g=679901&m=6486174.

Photo courtesy of www.solarnavigator.net.


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