Patiently Rude

Photo courtesy of eHow.
Do you ever feel like there are people in this world who wake up every morning and think, "So...who's life can I ruin today?"

The way people are acting these days, it is so easy to dress up in apathy. After a series of events I have both witnessed and experienced (still uncertain if they are unfortunate or not), I found myself having to vent a lot but I didn't want to drive away my loved ones. It was bad enough that trust and smiling backstabbers were forcing me to alter my perception of my earthly siblings. Human interaction keeps revealing itself as compassion turns to dispassion, respect turns into rebellion, and order becomes disorganized. And I haven't even touched on natural rudeness yet.

My inner-sociologist keeps putting dukes up with my procrastinating muckraker (bad combination, I know) and I can't help but apply the Marxist and Weberian theories in the what I see. Apparently, some people with important titles keep reminding others of their inferiority. Then they turn around and promote team work and make sure we know our place. It's at this point you want to offer a place for them to go, but that little voice in your head is telling you otherwise.

I remember hearing this wonderful discourse about regarding titles and names. No matter what position we hold in our jobs, religious institutions, schools, etc., we are all made from dirt and water, in God's image. We are dirt, but we're good dirt. If the Universal Sovereign and His Son can be patient with our various personalities and limitations, why, then, are we quick to judge those who are different from us? Or do things differently than we do?

I remember finding myself entangled in this socially wretched pattern. Brief scenario; you remember that awkward person from your class or job that no one attempted to get to know, but his/her mark was made by an unhealthy hater? The domino effect took a toll, you could feel the unfair intensity and the next thing you know, you do or say the wrong thing, or act the wrong way. How long before the guilt sets in? To say that I ate my own words is an understatement; I had to deep-fry and season them so that I could digest my ignorance. Some people are too proud to admit their own mistakes because of the false fact that they are not supposed to be wrong...and these are the ones that should be slapped! Or at least come back down to earth and be made aware of their behavior ( just a little fed up a second ago, my absolute bad).

As outdated as it seems, sitting down and talking about how you feel can actually help. There should be no fear of repercussion or intimidation on anyone's part. Some things that may be said will not be easy, suck it up. I mean, just think about how hard you can be on people sometimes. We humans are a work in progress, we like to control everything, especially when it's beyond our control. If you have made someone angry with you or if someone has an undisclosed vendetta against you and won't bring it to your attention, trust me it's not that important.

Just pray, walk away and enjoy your ice cream!


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