Stopping the Career Pause

Coming home from a 40-hour week, you know I'm exhausted. Still, I force myself to get some writing done; if I can't write for some reason, I do some outlines. Sadly, this week, I've been slacking, frustrated, and discouraged.

Earning my degree in journalism was indeed one of the greatest achievements in my life so far, yet real world beyond the campus has been anything but sweet and simple. Most young adults who graduate with some specific major won't exactly get their first full-time job in that major. Some people call this a trap, but I call it an opportunity to improve or develop certain skills of a job outside your expertise.

It can be helpful in the long run even though it feels like constant exhaustion now. It's called doing what you got to do to get where you want to go, right?

At this point, I've been looking and comparing online portfolios and website with various college mates, friends, and colleagues. Seeing their resumes, their literary and visual pieces, hearing their audio clips, and acknowledging their ambition and determination to make it reignites the drive I need to get my inner self back on point with my goals. I may not know the daily trials and successes of another person who, like me, is constantly at work. At the same time, you want to try keeping up with a bunch of 2-year-olds and then write, edit, and re-edit articles for 5 hours?
...Didn't think so...


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