What's Going On part 2
It's been forever and a day (or so it feels like). Where do I start? I'm done with school for the summer and I'm home upstate right now. I graduated college, well sort of. See, I'm scheduled to complete my degree in December, but due to various cuts in my school's budget, December graduation was canceled for a while. So what did I do? I participated in First World Graduation. I don't think that any other school has this but at my school (New Paltz), it's smaller but more intimate than traditional graduation. It was originally started in 1973 by the Educational Opportunity Program Graduation as a means to acknowledge students of color who were the first in their families to earn a Bachelor's degree. As time pressed on, the focus of the FWG student club has changed its focus and now seeks to provide a culturally rich ceremony that recognizes indivudials and their heritage (paraphrase of my program). It was a real fun day. My family and friends came. Our processional song was "Ain't no stoppin us now" by McFadden and Whitehead. One of my good friends got a snippet of the processional, so it shall be shown hopefully. The Keynote Speaker was Dick Gregory and...OMGoodness, that dude woke me up...that's all I'm gonna say. Now I'm home freelancing for various publications as I said. I'm currently working on a couple of articles for Inside Black Hollywood Magazine. Soon, I'll be heading to NYC to intern with Martha Stewart Living (so nervous and anxious). More articles, poetry, and videos to be posted. Peace out...