Time to be Grateful

The balance struggle continues.

I have been reeling my brain back and forth trying to figure what to type for my next post, as well as formulate my inconsistent lyrical absence. Job change is an understatement, it was more of a career switch. Being the eclectic career nomad I am, I finally made it into the job of my passion. Working in human services helping a specific population (which can be found in certain poems of mine), it was like reconnecting to a prior love. Don't get me wrong, I still have a strong love for writing. However, I also have a hardcore passion for helping those in need. Whether it's paying bridge toll for a stranger or reminding them of their spiritual thirst, I'm a heavy people person. It took a decade for my brothers to figure me out.

When my daddy passed away they respectively assisted my mother, merging into a paternal force seeking to make sure I did my homework, studied my Bible, and ate my steamed cabbage. While I appreciated the guidance and tough love provided to my sister and I, I was well aware of the fact that they wouldn't receive my true awkwardness until I could maturely formulate my prolific reasoning.

My logic was simple...I am too active of a person to sit behind a desk for forty hours a week selling and typing away for a corporation that won't value the hard efforts I put into my work. I did not go to college for over fours years to accrue "the-good-kind-of-debt" and be morphed into a simpleton by an egotistical corporate terrorist who thrives on shaming others. That type of person is not a leader, and I pray God guards my tongue if this happens again. I meditate, advocate, and initiate. As YA author Jessica Brody would say, take me as I am or watch me as I go (cuz my bills will get paid either way). 

I'm looking forward to many things this year such as meeting spiritual goals, getting more of my work published, finally posting my spoken word videos, and even enduring some obstacles. No one wakes up thinking, I hope I have a bad day. We're human, we're imperfect, and we weren't designed for imperfect living. But we try despite the challenges we face, right? This world is getting sicker and sadder by the minute. Praying for wisdom and endurance keep me going. I kind of get sad when people blame the wrong Person for turmoil.

Sometimes I have to just sing to myself, "If you could see, what I see..."

Photo courtesy of happyblackwoman.


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