Out of my Head, into my Notebook

You ever felt like things were spiraling out of control? Or couldn't get a firm grip on life because your mind was going in circles? Fortunately, I just got out of that weird place and am slowly trying to come back. I've been so busy at work and such that I forgot I used to write (oh em gee). At the same time, it's been so frustrating because it is easier to get an unpaid writing internship anywhere than it is to get a full-time, or even part-time, paid writing gig. After snapping out of it, I realized that I wasn't falling out of love with journalism; I was angry with it.

I'm not slow or anything, so I knew that the industry was in trouble. New media is taking over and it leaves many to wonder the destiny of the newspapers that are creating new blog ideas everyday; not to mention trying to keep up with a day job. After a constant battle royale with the workplace, its politics, dispassionate people, and angry philosophies, I've been lacking the energy and concentration for my writing.

My work is one of the things that helps me keep my sanity. Lately, I've been dabbling into fashion writing and articles in personal finance. Something new intrigues me everyday and I end up wanting to write about it. But there is so much a person can do when s/he is lacking a computer. I haven't given up though. I'm still working on some poetry, and hoping to have something out by this week. Every time I need a jump, I look to the blogs and websites of some of my favorite people, like videographer Video Vixon, artist & doula Carmen Mojica, freelance journalist LJ Knight, fashion editor Eboyne' Jackson, and my new favorite, writer Danielle Belton aka the Black Snob.

Seeing these and other people climb out of their hardships and back to the reality that they choose to alter or deal with gets me going. Like I said, hopefully I will have something later on this week and be regular in my posting once again. Here is a piece of my early personal finance work on eHow Money.


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