Crime Rate Decreasing Statewide
Crime rates drop statewide; Paterson credits Operation IMPACT
By Casey Quinlan, Dana Morris, Michael McDonald, Regina Rivers and Elizabeth Cross, Legislative Gazette contributorsAccording to new information from Operation IMPACT, a program operated by the state Division of Criminal Justice Services, crime in New York state has dropped 4.7 percent in the first half of 2009 compared to the same time period last year.
The most notable decreases in statewide crime have been murder, rape, car theft and robbery. The drop is fueled mostly by lower crime in New York City, which has decreased by 6.6 percent, while crime outside the city decreased by 3.1 percent.
New York City, which has the highest number of murders in the state, saw its murder rate drop by 19.8 percent. Robbery, another prevalent crime in New York City, has decreased by 15.6 percent. However, rape crimes in the rest of New York state are almost double the number of those in New York City. Rapes outside the city have only decreased by 4.9 percent compared to 16.7 percent in New York City.
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