Post-Pubescent Rant #1
Adulthood. I had no idea that this activity was so strenuous. My mother told me to enjoy my youth, She told me not to rush into growing up...but noooo! I had to be hard-headed and say, "When I'm grown, I'm gonna do this and have that and that's how it's gonna be." Great job, woman child. This is my unique way of saying I miss my childhood. After turning 28, I am realizing more and more of the things I thought were cool as a kid are more twisted than a pretzel. My goals and views have changed tremendously. I still aspire to write some books (one down so far). I am still working on my fictional story based on real life bullying in the workplace. I am still freelance writing and seeking out additional writing gigs. I have gotten to a point in my life where I am learning to say no to opportunities that don't pay. I did that for years back in college and even after I moved out of my mother's house. Some of us people need to eat...well I have the food. I...