Social Media [Anxiety...Disorder]?

Photo courtesy of Updatec . How many times were you late for work because you left your cell phone at home? How often do you spend checking your email, texting your mom and updating your Pintrest in one day? More importantly, what would Neil Postman say about this? The fear of being without a cell phone, also known as no-mobile-phone phobia or nomophobia , is rising higher than my blood pressure. The first time my coworkers told me about this, I was left quite verbally challenged but I had to see how serious it was. While reading the Daily News , I learned that people check their phones up to 34 times a say. I could be surprised but I'm not because when there is a new gadget and media platform coming out every week, everyone wants to stay in the know, or at least catch up. My sister just told me how convenient it was to have the internet in our hands. I had an immediate flashback of ALF using the computer to play the stock market on the internet...circa 1986. Then it hit me...