A Writer's Frustration
I'm not sure what is flattening my Pepsi the most...not knowing what to write about, having a hard time looking for gigs in my field, or just starting all over together. Bouncing between the pages of Writer with a Day Job and Get a Freelance Life, one would think that there would be more than enough to update on a blog. However, I draw an inconvenient blank because it's hard to shake off the feeling of an angry journalist. My unofficial twin and I spent the majority of the weekend talking about how annoying, upset, and disappointed we have been because we're both literary and lyrical artists (now that I think about it, our Avant-garde Conformist needs an overdue update) and we do everything else but write. Writing is like breathing to us, we do it because we need to. He, my bestie Marcus, is an NYU grad student following his dream in musical theater arts and making things happen and I'm a writer with a day job, hence why I bought the book. I've met other people...