Bullycide: An Ageless Problem
"Kids will be kids." "It's a right of passage." Stop lying to me and stop lying to yourselves! If it's not that big of a deal, why are hundreds of kids taking their own lives at the peak of puberty? Schools, the workplace and social media are some places where bullying is making a popular trend. Wait, let me take that back. There is nothing popular about this because the violence and deaths are starting to spark attention. It's awful that blood has to be shed in order to acknowledge an ageless problem. As if the world doesn't have enough problems, bullycide is another problem/issue/epidemic that we humans have to analyze. Bullycide is the reaction to atempt suicide triggered by ruthless bullying from peers and associated depression, according to Joyce Bender . It surprises me that people who are so unhappy with their situations in life contrive clever ways to harass, dehumanize, and devalue another innocent human being just for a hobby. At the sa...