The Sociology of a Black Woman, pt 1
They attempt to construct who we are, but it's through a negative light; what I call self-defense, they call belligerent and quick to fight. If we hold our heads upright with confidence and positive idiosyncrasy, we are perceived as haughty and behave selfishly. I'm neither above nor below anyone here but in myself I do take sufficient pride. I refuse to besmirch my character for their sake and have them make big profits on the side. My place in society I am taught by force, and this we all know well. Everyone has the freedom to do as they please, but let a black woman do her own thing, all our quick to run and tell. This society is anything but just, reasserting who we really are is a mandatory must! Things people say about us as a whole they swear they know up and down. They make reference to these crazy stereotypes and use them to keep us down. Some have said that we aren't able to learn and are destined to suffer defeat, they yield the audacity to degrade our potential ...