My Defintion of Success
Photo courtesy of thegrio . I did I again. I let another month slip up and didn't post anything on my blog...I got to stop doing that. Anyway, I was reading the current issue of Essence (the one with Alicia Keys on the cover). There was this awesome story written on redefining the Black woman. Saying that the story impacted me is just an understatement. I've been making moves and taking actions that some people throughout my life have not understood, i.e., my decision to go away to college, learning how to speak Chinese, prefering to read my Bible instead of going out on Friday nights, etc. Obviously, May was a busy and trying month and I felt myself slow down a little bit; but I feel myself getting it together. As long as society's citizens have remembered, the American Dream was to work hard, make a lot of money and have a nice house, family, and car. Today, with the job market and economy the way it is, people are barely there getting by. For the current iPad generation...