So Sweet, It Hurts
Regulating your sugar intake. Everybody loves to eat foods that have a sweet taste to them. While there is nothing wring with enjoying tasty treats, many people aren't disciplined enough to regulate their diets. However, it's important for a person to moderate what food is put into their body and as usual, drink plenty of water. Back in October [of 2008], health and nutrition counselor Camille Herbert hosted a 'Sugar Blues" workshop with the intent to inform college students on the negative effects of abusing sugar. She stated that the average adult consumes over 140 lbs of sugar annually; that's roughly 4 lbs a day. Eww! Sugar can also upset and suppress the immune system, contribute to diabetes and obesity, increase body's fluid retention, and contribute to both prostate and ovarian cancer (Appleton). Herbert also suggested that when a person contracts an illness, it's best to avoid sugary foods as much as possible so the insulin won't disrupt the im...